Syed Azim
English 110
Global warming
Source 1
In the article, “What about animals?” Terrell McLendon talks about the rising issue of global warming and how it is affecting wildlife. Due to rising temperatures, glaciers are shrinking, early break up of ice, lengthening in growing season, constant shifting in the life of plants and animals have already taken place and are continuing on. Polar bears, several species of birds, penguin and frog all are close to extinction due to the rise in temperature. This is all due to us humans and our poorly made choices.
This is a magazine article that was published by Skipping Stone, an award winning, international magazine. Terrell McLendon’s purpose in writing this is to inform everyone reading this about the growing danger of climate change which directly affects the wildlife. Both life on land and marine life are in great danger. Some of the species are on the edge of extinction and this change will directly affect the ecosystem. This article is specifically directed towards us and the US government itself. “We encourage you to express your views to your representatives in Washington, D.C., in your state capital, and to all candidates running for political offices from your region. You might also write to your local newspaper editors. By sending your letters, you show them that global warming is one of the major issues on your mind and that you need a guarantee that the government will tackle global warming issues now.” We the people have to make the first move and from there we have to push the government into making the bigger choice from which the changes will start, even the littlest change will make a big difference. In the article it also states “We must make global warming a priority”. This is a sign of urgency, we can’t sit back and wait for things to happen, we must start immediately. If actions are not taken right away, it will affect the wildlife which can later on lead to a mass extension of many species, completely changing life on earth.
Source 2
In the News Article “Impact of Global Warming on Wildlife by Brooks Hays goes on about climate change being underestimated and the changes it brings to wildlife. Many species are having to undergo sudden changes, making them vulnerable and totally messing up their way of life. Climate change is messing up their hibernation, migration patterns, habitats and more.
This is a News Article by Brooks Hays, a former United States representative. His purpose in writing this is to inform everyone about climate change and its effect on wildlife. This is not a situation to take lightly, rapid changes are happening and it’s affecting the wildlife the most. Mammals and birds are a big target of this climate change. It’s bringing constant changes to their way of life and fragmenting their habitats. As stated in the article “For both birds and mammals, climate change can disrupt migration patterns, as well as shrink or fragment vital habitats’ ‘. Many of these species are not able to adapt very fast and if things keep on changing like this then the future for these species aren’t looking too good. Hays is directing us, the public in general and the important role models of the nation to make some changes. As stated, “We need to greatly improve assessments of the impacts of climate change on species right now, we need to communicate this to the wider public and we need to ensure key decision makers know that something significant needs to happen now to stop species going extinct,”. This is very urgent and decisions are to be made quickly in order to prevent extinction of many species. Everyone has to come together and make a difference, if not, the ecosystem can completely change.
Source 3
In the blog “David Attenborough on How Our Changing Climate Affects Wildlife” by David Attenborough talks about the rising temperature and its effect on wildlife, the ecosystem, weather and other communities. Extreme weather such as the one in Australia in 2019 has led to the death of many animals. Animals that can typically adapt to extreme heat were also unable to survive which includes 11,000 flying foxes. Places are becoming uninhabitable for these species leaving them in danger of extinction. Extreme weather events are taking place often affecting the habitats of these species. The rise in temperature, climate change itself has a big part to play in these changes.
This is a Blog post by David Attenborough a well known english author, broadcaster, biologist, and natural historian. The author’s purpose in writing this is to inform us on how badly climate change is affecting the earth and its species. For many species, different parts of earth are becoming uninhabitable or it already is. Even when many species are expected to live through or adapt to such changes in temperature are dying. Such temperature and changes are also causing the harsh weathers that are destroying/changing the habitats of many species. In the article it states “Scientists believe that 8% of animals are at risk of extinction solely due to climate change. The loss of even the smallest organism destabilizes and increases the risk of a potential collapse of the world’s ecosystem, which holds together life on Earth”. This shows how dangerous climate change is and it’s not only affecting all the animals but also putting the earth itself in danger. The author is directing us, the public, to take the step and make some changes. While these scenarios are discouraging, individuals can take action and make a difference”. This is very concerning for everyone as, if no action is taken right away, the situation will just keep getting worse and put all these animals at risk of extinction. If we do the right thing and the right step, there could be still hope.
Source 4
In chapter 2 of the book “Wildlife Response to Environmental Arctic Change Predicting Future Habitats of Arctic Alaska” by U.S fish and wildlife service informs the readers about the melting ice in the arctic that can potentially be ice free within a decade. If nothing is done then the drying of northern Alaska can spell danger for the fishes and other wildlife that depend on that ice and such environment. Plans are being implemented to stop such disasters in the arctic and to conserve fishes, wildlife and other habitats.
This is a book published by the U.S Fish and Wildlife service, a United States federal agency that manages national wildlife refuges, protects endangered species, etc. The author’s purpose in writing this is to show everyone the effects of global warming in the arctic. Ice in the arctic is melting twice as fast and if it keeps on going, the arctic will become ice free in the future, putting all life that depends on it in danger. Putting the arctic as a priority region, management plans and adaptation strategies for conserving wildlife in it are put to place. In the article it states ” Because the Arctic will likely experience early and disproportionately large impacts of climate change, the Service has identified America’s Arctic as a priority region for developing management plans and adaptation strategies to conserve fish, wildlife, and their habitats.” This shows how badly global warming is affecting the arctic and that plans are having to be implemented urgently to save all the wildlife that depend on it. This is very concerning as if the plans do not work out the arctic will have dry ice which will lead to the mass death of many fishes and other wildlife around it. Although there is no direct audience, I’m guessing it’s still pointed towards the public as a whole since we’re the one to blame for this and we are the one that can bring some positive changes. Any part of wildlife is a big part of the ecosystem and a small percentage of that wildlife dying can change the world’s ecosystem completely.
When comparing all four sources, there isn’t much of a difference. All four pretty much go over the terrible effect of global warming on wildlife, habitat destruction, etc. According to all four sources global warming should be everyones number one priority since it has become even more dangerous and is playing a role towards the extinction of certain species. The sources also point towards the public, and big role models of this world, as they are the one who have to bring some changes. Source 4 is a little different because alongside the negative effect of global warming on the wildlife, it also talk about implementing plans to conserve fishes, wildlife, and other animals in certain areas such as the arctic.
If certain species of wildlife are to be saved from extinction, immediate actions must be taken before it’s too late. The temperature just keeps on increasing day by day; this is the right time to bring a change. Already many animals are at the verge of extinction due to habitat destruction and failure to adapt. The longer we take to make a change the closer these species come to extinction and change the Earth’s ecosystem.
McLendon, Terrell. “What about the animals?” Skipping Stones, vol. 20, no. 3, May-Aug. 2008, p. 16. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 1 Mar. 2022.
“Scientists underestimate the impact of global warming on wildlife.” UPI News Current, 13 Feb. 2017. Gale In Context: Biography, Accessed 1 Mar. 2022.
“David Attenborough on How Our Changing Climate Affects Wildlife.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 21 Apr. 2020,
U.S fish and Wildlife Service. Report from the Wildlife Response to Environmental Arctic Change (WildREACH): Predicting Future Habitats of Arctic Alaska Workshop17–18 November 2008Westmark HotelFairbanks, Alaska. Authors: Philip D. Martin, Jennifer L. Jenkins, F. Jeffrey Adams, M. Torre Jorgenson, Angela C. Matz, David C. Payer, Patricia E. Reynolds, Amy C. Tidwell,
and James R. Zelenak