Syed Azim
Effect of Social media on students
My audience for both these genres are all active students, specifically college students. Social media has become a big part of many students and although it can have some positive effect, it also leads to a decline in a students health and academic performance. Other audiences can also be Teachers and parents as they can take in the information provided here to help students to prevent these negative effects.
Focus of the composition-
-To put out the effects social media is having in a students life.
-convince them to limit the use of social media per day to help improve health/academic performance.
-i chose an informative brochure as my first composition because it is much easier to put out the information to the audience. You can pinpoint the obvious and make them focus on what you want to.
-I chose a comic strip because I feel that a visual representation will help to understand the situation better and it’s just more eye appealing.
Informative Brochure
Academic Performance Social media is like a drug, the more you use it the more addicted you get. Specially for students, this addiction can directly reflect upon their academic performance. It prevents students from putting in the time to study, finishing their assignments on time, etc. when a student sits down to do their homework they can easily get distracted with these social media apps. With the continuous notifications and pop ups it’s not easy to control your temptation to just pick up your phone and scroll through these social sites for countless hours. As a result many students either forget to do their assignments or just rush through it which leads to bad grades or even failure. | Well being/Health The most preferred tool for accessing social networking sites were WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. Night time is the most common time for medical use. Nocturnal technology use can have a weak, negative impact on tertiary students’ quantity of sleep that may lead to daytime sleepiness. Most time spent on social media is during the night. Staying up late and using social media will not only affect the students academic performance but also their health. Not getting enough sleep will lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, depression, etc. | Positive affect The positive aspect of social media is that it helps with cognitive development and having the freedom to gain/expand your knowledge on anything you want. Asking questions about a certain topic or just needing help for an assignment in general is made easy as you can Communicate with your peers and teachers through these sites. Especially when in college many professors don’t have the time to personally help you through certain things and so Youtube, Instagram and TikTok have many certified influencers who can help to answer/explain to you anything you want. This can definitely help to boost your academic progress since you won’t be lost when it comes time to take an exam or homework as you’ve already had all your concerns dealt with from the help of these different social media sites. |

My audience for the two compositions are all students and potentially any teachers and or parents. Students are the main audience as they are the ones on social media and doing education at the same time. In this topic I mostly focused on the positives and negative aspects of social media and how it is affecting students’ academic progress/wellbeing. My first composition was a brochure, in which I put out the main information that I want my audience to perceive from. It is well informed and I feel it is easy for my audience to understand. For my second composition, I chose to do a short comic strip which some students may relate to. A comic strip is to take in and understand. It is appealing to the eye and many students do prefer something visual rather than written words. My purpose in making this is to help students understand the ups and downs of social media use. It can have both positive and negative effects on a student, both towards their academics and well-being. Also try to convince some audiences to limit their use of social media as it can reflect really badly on a students overall life if not limited. I also felt that this is a good time to talk about this since over the past couple of years social media has become very big and a regular part of every student’s life. And over time it just keeps on growing, distracting and taking up most of students’ time without them even knowing. Overall, this assignment was not too hard, just very time consuming and needed a lot of creativity. I was able to get through making my informative brochure easily as well but struggled a bit with the comic strip as my mind was pretty empty. I did enjoy putting everything together but the hardest part is yet to come. That is the presentation which I am not really good at but I’m looking forward to it as I do need to improve my presentation skills for the future.